Thursday 28 March 2013

Example Portfolio for OCAD and Emily Carr (Accepted)

These are a few examples of the work I put in my portfolios for OCAD and Emily Carr. This does NOT include everything nor does every work appear in both portfolios. This is just a rough idea of what can get you into the programs with relatively high scores. 

Be sure to have a good sketchbook (the last three are examples of my coloured works in sketchbooks)! When I went to OCAD, they did not even look at my other work closely, they just took the sketchbook, flipped through it, and asked me some questions (HINT: If they ask you about something other than art, congratulations, chances are you strike their interest and they just want to know what type of a person you are!).

This is one of the works used specifically for OCAD's industrial design.

Thanks for viewing!
As always, feel free to email me as I am available to help!


  1. You have amazing works! So different from each other and alive! Really cool!

  2. Hi. I really want to get to Emily Carr University in 2015, but I'm extremely worried - what if I'm not skilled enough?! I have time till September to improve. Can you tell me - how "harsh" will my portfolio be critisized? Can I be NOT accepted at all, or is it a matter of how high my score will be?

    1. I'm actually not 100% sure about Emily Carr since I applied out of the province. All they sent was an acceptance letter but I can't remember if I got a score letter with it. I'm sure if you know your fundamentals well and show hard work and creativity that they will accept you. Just keep drawing! If you would like to you can also email me at or link me to your portfolio and I can give you some feedback ^^

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi! I was wondering which program you applied to at OCAD with this portfolio. Your work is really great by the way! its really helpful too, so thank you. :)

    1. Hello Mikayla! For OCAD I applied to industrial design, but I am missing two important pieces here since they were too large to scan. As soon as you receive this message I will have updated this post with one of the pieces used specifically for OCAD. Thanks for viewing!

    2. Thank you so much! I'm still having trouble deciding which course I want to apply for as well as finishing up my portfolio haha. Anyways, thanks again, this is all so helpful!

  4. I was just wondering, did you actually have to write out the answers to the questions listed on their website or ?!?

    1. Do you mean for Emily Carr? If so, yes I did.
      I think it is something considered at the same time, sort of a mini interview.

  5. Hi, I want to apply to Drawing&Painting in OCAD. I was wondering whether this type of drawings can be my portfolio.
    Heres the link:

    1. Hello Georgedumpling!
      I took a look at your work, but there are a couple things you may want to look at. OCAD's drawing and painting is very traditional, colour-theory, and realism based, so it would be best to add in some actual colour works in your portfolio (I only see black and white at the moment, other than the last one).
      I'm not sure how the OCAD policy is either, but it's best to check if they accept fan-art works (Iron Man and Venom). Some schools will not accept fan-works and will disqualify anyone who uses them, so be very careful!
      Other than that, your first three works are very nice and cute, so keep it up! For OCAD, try to practice fundamental theories as well: draw some real people, objects, and work on abstract while maintaining colour theory. Basics may get boring but they are the key to success.
      Hope this helps!

    2. Really helps! Thank you so much!

  6. hello I know this post is kind of old but however i noticed you added gestures in your portfolio. how many mins gestures were they? Im planning to add some in there too but im unsure whether a 5 min gesture or 10, 30?

    1. Add a variety! I know animation schools prefer shorter gestures (30s to 5 min) but illustration schools prefer longer poses (10-30min).

  7. Hi Katie,

    I am applying for Ocad, don't know how to write creative profile, could you please send me a sample?



    1. Hello Kathy!
      It's been so long I'm not sure what this creative profile is...
      feel free to email me at with the requirements of the creative statement and I can see if I still have it in my hard drive. ^^

    2. Hi Kathy, I was wondering if you ever found out how to write a creative profile for OCAD?
      (Your art is so inspiring Katie!!)

  8. Hi,I want to apply Industrial Design in OCAD, but i only have 4 design works, others are all drawing and painting, is that enough for Industrial Design?

    1. Hello! That is plenty for industrial design, good luck! I only had two.

  9. Hi! I want to get to Emily Carr this year so I applied for it. Can you give me any tips for writing an essay and for the paintings and drawings? Anyway, your works are so great!!!

    1. Hi there! For the essay just discuss about your works; your main ideas and the feelings that you put into them. For the paintings and drawings, have a wide variety. Both rough and polished works are a good idea, but do make them into things you enjoy working on as they really show in the final work. Thank you very much :)

  10. Hi, I was wondering how you approached the project section (the second part) of the portfolio application for Emily Carr?
    Your work is amazing BTW :)

    1. Hello! Thanks for liking my work! Sorry, I don't remember of a project section when I applied three years ago. The requirements may have changed by now... What are the requirements of that section?

  11. Hey Katie,
    I was wondering if you had some more industrial design examples for OCAD university?
    Thank YOu

    1. Hello Nikki!
      I only used two industrial designs in my portfolio for OCAD. One is above in the post and the second is a car done in a similar style. Two seems to be enough for the portfolio but feel free to use however many you'd like!

    2. Oh ok thank you soo much!!! i love your work... i actually have an interview tomorrow at OCAD for industrial design. i"m so nervous and excited! Wish me luck.
      Bye Katie

    3. One more thing.... do you have a photo of the car one?

  12. Hello Katie, I'm really interested in Emily Carr's program but I don't know what to include in my porfolio. I usually do some sketching of celebrities. I don't know what and how to impress the professors through the artworks in my portfolio. Also does EC conduct an interview with global applicants? I'm from Hong Kong btw. I'm so lost hope u can help. Thanks xx.

    1. Hello Becky!
      I think its good to include a number of different subjects in your portfolio, and preferably in full colour. Celebrity sketches are good to include as well, but make sure you have a good variety! They are usually looking to see if you have a solid foundation in the arts. If you would like, you can link or send me your current portfolio for tips and critiques. I'm not very sure about the interview process, though. Good luck!

  13. Hey Katie! I was wondering if you could give me some tips on my portfolio. I have a few months left to improve and really want to be accepted to a university I apply to (OCAD for Graphic Design, Sheridan for Design, or Ryerson University for New Media). Here is my current work (not submitting all of course, I'll do some new, better work).

    1. Hello Julia! I actually don't have experience with any of those selected programs nor their portfolio requirements, so I'm not sure if I can give accurate feedback. Are you looking at any part of your work in particular?

    2. Hey! Just looking for advice on whether I could get into an art related program given my portfolio/skillset and any tips on improving the quality of my work. If not that's okay :)

    3. Hello! Hmm, I cannot say if you can get into those programs since I do not know what their requirements are. As for improving the quality of your work, look into anatomical and colour studies! Those are usually what art programs like to peg, unless its something like fashion where creativity is the most important, but I think you have that part down. Hope that helps!

  14. Hi Katie, Is Brenda Torres From Mexico I would like to show you my portfolio to Emily Carr I want to study Animation.

    Can you please give me a feedback.. Gracias.

    1. Hi Brenda!
      I think that your art is very cute and full of style! I'm not sure what Emily Carr's animation needs now since its been 4 years, but you may want to include some fully coloured pieces as well (like backgrounds).
      If you have any anatomy studies or drawings from life that is a good idea to put in as well. Otherwise, I think its great~ Good luck on your application!

  15. Hi, Im trying to apply to OCAD's Sculpture program but was wondering how you submitted images of your portfolio in slideroom. Did u just upload the pictures or like put your idea sketches along side the same file/picture?

    Thank You !

    1. Hi! I just submitted pictures, but if you are doing sculptures I think adding the idea sketches is a good idea. Good luck!

    2. Ahh okay i see, Thank You for the reply

  16. Hi ! I absolutely love your work ! I'm trying to apply to Emily Car myself. I'm quite scare ! Is there any tips or hints you can give me ?

    1. Hi Daniel! Don't be afraid, just send your stuff out there! Make sure you either have a good variety of work or a very centralized style, full colour is usually best but include sketches as well. They want to see a good basic application of art fundamentals for first year. I actually did not go to Emily Carr, I only applied and was accepted, so I do not know about much of the recent happenings. Good luck on your portfolio!

  17. Hi Katie, do you think I can still be accepted into Emily Carr if I don't have many, if any paintings? I'm not good at it which is probably why I don't seem to enjoy it as much. I usually either draw and shade with pencils or pencil crayons... I'm extremely nervous since I applied quite close to the deadline, too. :/ Can I send you some of my work for you to look over and give me advice?

    1. Hi there! Yes, go ahead and send to my email
      Though, if you have already submitted I would say don't worry about the results since it is out of your control, but there is always room for improvement : )

  18. Hi Katie! Just wanted to start off by saying that I appreciate that you're still helping others even if it's been a while since you yourself applied for university, it's very nice of you! Anyway, i was planning on applying for particularly Emily Carr's industrial design program but also OCAD next year. I was just wondering if you have any tips on how to prepare a portfolio. Did you take courses? Also, how advanced do the industrial designs have to be? I read you had designed a car and i was wondering how much of the car did you have to design. I mean, did you have to sketch the whole inside, what material, how everything should work etc. I myself prefer to design smaller things such as lamps and other more "simple" things will they accept that? Thanks!!

    1. Hi Madeleine! Always glad to help, but it means a lot to me that you noticed its been a couple years! I am actually super out of the loop with Emily Carr and OCAD, but I can tell you what I did 4 years ago. When I did the industrial designs of the cars, it was super abstract and very simplified, with markers and watercolour wash. So it was totally acceptable to do the "simple" things, since you are going into the program to learn how to do industrial design, it would be really strange any school wants the detailed things right off the bat. I took general art classes where I learned how to draw still life, but you can learn all those fundamentals by yourself if you want to. Good luck on your portfolio, just be creative and bold!

    2. Great, thanks again it helps a lot! :)

  19. Hi Katie!
    I just get start to prepare my portfolio for animation program of emily carr, but I have no idea about the differences between this program and the one of sheridan. Sheridan seems doesn't accept any traditional artwork such as oil panting etc, but emily carr doesShould I hand in the same works as I do for Sheridan?I mean without tranditional artwork?
    Thank you!

    1. Hi! If you need to send traditional artwork to sheridan, make a copy instead. Photograph or scan your work and send in a smaller printed version. Good luck!

  20. Hi Katie!
    I'm about to prepare my portfolio for Communication Design in Emily Carr but I'm unsure about what to involve in my portfolio. I want to include my digital drawings, pencil sketches, acrylic paintings and photography. Is that enough?
    Thanks :)

    1. Sounds like you have a lot! Just remember that its always quality over quantity, so pick your best pieces~

  21. patiently waiting for an offer from OCAD..
    I didn't get accepted from emily carr ;-;

    1. Ah, that's unfortunate! I wish you luck on OCAD!
      Even if you do not get accepted the first year, make sure you can get some feedback and work towards your next goal! It's actually very common to take 1-3 years to enter an art school.

  22. Hi Katie!
    I really want to apply in Emily Carr, and I'm in the process of preparing my portfolio for Emily Carr communication design. Is it enough if I put observational drawings, watercolor paintings, anatomy sketches and character designs?
